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Incorporating Dried Flowers in Resin Art: A Guide

Resin art, with its liquid, glass-like finish, offers a unique way to capture the beauty of nature, including the delicate charm of dried flowers. By embedding dried flowers in resin, artists can create stunning and sentimental pieces that preserve the natural world’s beauty for years. In this blog post, we explore the use of dried flowers in resin art, answering key questions and providing a step-by-step guide for creating your floral resin creations.

Also Read: Introduction to Resin Art

How Long Will Dried Flowers Last?

Dried flowers embedded in resin can last indefinitely due to the resin’s protective qualities. Once cured, the resin forms a solid barrier around the flowers, safeguarding them from exposure to air and moisture. This preservation ensures that the flowers retain their colours and appearance for many years, allowing you to enjoy your floral resin art for a long time.

A dried flower is also known as a pressed flower or preserved flower. These blooms have been carefully dried and treated to maintain their colours and shapes. The process typically involves pressing or air-drying the flowers to remove moisture while preserving their natural beauty.

Why Are Dried Flowers Used in Resin Art? 

Dried flowers add a natural and organic touch to resin art, enhancing its visual appeal. Here are some reasons why dried flowers are commonly used in resin art:

  1. Aesthetic Beauty: Dried flowers bring vibrant colours, intricate textures, and delicate forms to resin art, making each piece visually captivating.
  2. Personalization: Artists can use flowers with sentimental value, such as wedding flowers or blooms from a special garden, to create personalized keepsakes.
  3. Symbolism: Flowers often carry symbolic meanings, such as love, friendship, or remembrance. Embedding them in resin can convey meaningful messages.
  4. Connection to Nature: Incorporating natural elements like dried flowers allows artists to celebrate and preserve the beauty of the natural world.

What is the point of dried flowers? 

Dried flowers add a natural and organic touch to resin art, enhancing its visual appeal. They bring vibrant colours, intricate textures, and delicate forms to resin pieces, making each creation visually captivating. Additionally, dried flowers can carry sentimental value, allowing artists to create personalized keepsakes or convey symbolic messages through their artwork. Incorporating natural elements like dried flowers also fosters a connection to nature, celebrating its beauty and preserving it in resin.

What’s The Cost Of Dried Flowers Like? 

The cost of dried flowers can vary depending on factors such as the type of flower, its rarity, and the supplier. Generally, dried flowers are considered more affordable than fresh flowers, as they undergo a preservation process that extends their lifespan and reduces the risk of wilting or decay. However, certain exotic or speciality dried flowers may be more expensive due to their uniqueness or limited availability.


Do dried flowers smell? 

Dried flowers typically do not have a strong scent, as the drying process removes most of their natural fragrance. However, some dried flowers may retain a subtle aroma, especially if they are highly fragrant when fresh. Additionally, artists can enhance the scent of dried flowers by adding essential oils or fragrance oils to the resin mixture, creating a customized sensory experience in their artwork.

How long do flowers last in resin? 

When properly preserved in resin, dried flowers can last indefinitely. The resin forms a protective barrier around the flowers, preventing decay and preserving their colours and shapes over time. With proper care and maintenance, resin art pieces containing dried flowers can remain beautiful and vibrant for many years, allowing artists and admirers to enjoy them for generations to come.


Will dried flowers rot in resin art? 

No, dried flowers will not rot in resin. The resin encapsulates the flowers, sealing them off from moisture and oxygen, which are necessary for decay to occur. As a result, dried flowers preserved in resin remain in a pristine and unchanged state, unaffected by factors that would typically cause them to rot or degrade.

Do flowers lose their colour in resin art? 

In most cases, flowers do not lose their colour in resin. The resin preserves the natural colours of the flowers, allowing them to retain their vibrancy and beauty. However, it’s essential to choose flowers that have been properly dried and treated to maintain their colour integrity. Some flowers may experience slight fading or colour changes over time due to exposure to light or other environmental factors, but this is minimal compared to the effects of ageing in untreated flowers. Overall, resin provides an excellent medium for preserving the colours of dried flowers and showcasing their natural beauty in the artwork.


Step-by-Step Process of Using Dried Flowers in Resin Art

Here is a step-by-step guide for using dried flowers in resin art:

  1. Gather Supplies: Collect the necessary materials, including epoxy resin, hardener, mixing cups, stirring sticks, dried flowers, moulds or surfaces for pouring protective gloves, and a heat gun or torch.
  2. Prepare Workspace: Set up a clean, well-ventilated workspace. Protect the area with a drop cloth or disposable plastic sheets.
  3. Plan Your Design: Arrange the dried flowers on the surface or mould to plan your design. Experiment with different flower placements and compositions.
  4. Mix Resin: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to mix the resin and hardener in the correct ratio. Stir gently to minimize air bubbles.
  5. Pour Base Layer: Pour a thin layer of resin into the mould or onto the surface. Use a heat gun or torch to remove any air bubbles that may form.
  6. Add Dried Flowers: Carefully place the dried flowers onto the base layer of resin. Use tweezers to position them precisely according to your design.
  7. Pour Top Layer: Once the flowers are in place, pour another layer of resin over the flowers to fully encase them. Again, use a heat gun or torch to remove air bubbles.
  8. Cure the Resin: Allow the resin to cure according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. This may take several hours to a few days, depending on the type of resin used.
  9. Finish and Polish: Once the resin has fully cured, you can sand any rough edges and apply a topcoat for added protection and shine.

    Incorporating your wedding flowers into resin art is a beautiful way to preserve the memories of your special day. 


How Are The Flowers Dried?

To ensure your flowers are properly preserved for resin art, it’s essential to dry them thoroughly. Here are two effective methods for drying flowers:

  1. Silica Gel Powder: Silica gel powder is a popular choice for drying flowers quickly and effectively. To use this method, bury your flowers in a container filled with silica gel powder. Make sure the powder completely covers the flowers. Leave them undisturbed for about a week to allow the silica gel to absorb moisture from the flowers. Once dried, carefully remove the flowers from the silica gel powder, and they’ll be ready to use in your resin art projects.
  2. Pressing Method: Another method for drying flowers is by pressing them between sheets of paper. This method requires more time and patience but can yield beautiful results. To press your flowers, place them between sheets of absorbent paper, such as blotting or parchment paper. Arrange the flowers in a single layer, ensuring they do not overlap. Place the sheets of paper with the flowers inside a pressing machine or between heavy books. Apply pressure by stacking additional books on top of the pressing machine or books containing the flowers. Leave the flowers pressed for several days to allow them to dry completely. Once dried, your flowers will be flattened and ready to use in resin art projects.
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Both methods are effective for drying flowers and preparing them for resin art. Whether you choose silica gel powder for a quicker drying process or the pressing method for a more traditional approach, the key is to ensure your flowers are thoroughly dried before incorporating them into your resin art projects.

Incorporating dried flowers in resin art is a delightful way to capture and preserve the delicate beauty of nature. By following the step-by-step process outlined above, you can create stunning floral resin art pieces that add a touch of elegance and sentimentality to your home or make meaningful gifts for loved ones. Happy creating!

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